Audio/video - Device Selection
To let the user choose between multiple available input / output devices, you can use the <DyteSettings >
function DeviceSettings({ open, onClose }) {
const { meeting } = useDyteMeeting();
return (
<SomeDialogComponent open={open} onClose={onClose}>
<DyteSettings meeting={meeting} />
If you added DyteDialogManager
as suggested in the Basic Structure guide, you can also use <DyteSettingsToggle>
component to trigger the inbuilt Dialog.
Extending the last code sample with device selector.
function CustomMeetingPreview() { const { meeting } = useDyteMeeting(); return ( <div className="bg-secondary-900 flex flex-col items-center justify-center" style={{ minHeight: '400px' }} > {/* Do not re-add this, if already added in the parent component */} <DyteDialogManager meeting={meeting} /> <div className="flex w-full items-center justify-around p-[10%]"> <div className="relative"> <DyteParticipantTile meeting={meeting} participant={meeting.self}> <DyteAvatar participant={meeting.self} /> <DyteNameTag participant={meeting.self}> <DyteAudioVisualizer participant={meeting.self} slot="start" /> </DyteNameTag> <div className="absolute flex" style={{ top: '8px', right: '8px', }} > <DyteSettingsToggle meeting={meeting} size="sm" /> </div> <div id="user-actions" className="absolute flex" style={{ bottom: '8px', right: '8px', }} > <DyteMicToggle meeting={meeting} size="sm" /> <DyteCameraToggle meeting={meeting} size="sm" /> </div> </DyteParticipantTile> </div> <div className="flex w-1/4 flex-col justify-between"> <div className="flex flex-col items-center"> <p>Joining as {}</p> </div> <DyteButton kind="wide" size="lg" onClick={async () => { await meeting.join(); }} > Join </DyteButton> </div> </div> </div> ); }
Joining as Monique Kerluke