Methods and properties for managing Webinar AlertView. This will create an alert which will tells user about their Audio and Video status before joining the webinar stage.
Creating an alertview
init(meeting: DyteMobileClient, participant: DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant) {
Required: meeting: Current ongoing meeting object. participant: Participant to join stage.
Show AlertView to user
func show(on view: UIView)
Required: view: Parent View on which this alertView will be shown
Button with functionality to join stage
var confirmAndJoinButton: DyteButton {get}
Define it as follows
public let confirmAndJoinButton: DyteButton = {
let button = DyteUIUTility.createButton(text: "Confirm & join stage")
return button
Button with functionality to remove the alertview
var cancelButton: DyteButton {get }
Define it as follows
public let cancelButton: DyteButton = {
let button = DyteUIUTility.createButton(text: "Cancel")
button.backgroundColor = dyteSharedTokenColor.background.shade800
return button