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Design System

Let's look at how you can customize and brand your UI with Dyte's UI Kit.

  1. DesignLibrary is a singleton class that relies on the DesignLibraryConfiguratorProtocol to initialize components with specific parameters, like border size, radius, and background color for individual and composite elements.

    For customization, you can set any object that conforms to the DesignLibraryConfiguratorProtocol to modify the DesignLibrary according to your needs.

// create an type which confirms to  DesignLibraryConfiguratorProtocol
class DesignLibraryConfigurator: DesignLibraryConfiguratorProtocol {

public let colorBackgroundBase: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#050505")!
public let colorBrandBase: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#0246FD")!

public let textColorBackgroundBase: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF")!
public let textColorBrandBase: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#111111")!

public let statusDangerColor: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#FF2D2D")!
public let statusSuccessColor: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#83D017")!
public let statusWarningColor: UIColor = UIColor(hex: "#FFCD07")!

public let cornerRadiusRoundFactor: CGFloat = 4.0
public let cornerRadiusExtraRoundFactor: CGFloat = 8.0
public let cornerRadiusCircularFactor: CGFloat = 8.0

public let borderSizeThinFactor: CGFloat = 1.0
public let borderSizeFatFactor: CGFloat = 2.0


//You can initialise DesignLibrary with below command
DesignLibrary.shared.setConfigurator(configurator: DesignLibraryConfigurator())

DesignLibrary comes with default values for all the mentioned components, and the SDK internally handles their initialization.

  1. AppTheme is a singleton class that relies on the AppThemeProtocol to set corner radius and border size for various components used within DyteUiKit. You can customize the AppTheme by setting any object that confirms to the AppThemeProtocol.
class AppThemeConfigurator: AppThemeProtocol {
private let cornerRadiusType: CornerRadius.RadiusType? = .rounded
private let borderSizeWidthType: BorderSize.Width? = .thin

var cornerRadiusTypeButton: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var cornerRadiusTypePaginationView: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var cornerRadiusTypePeerView: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var cornerRadiusTypeDropDown: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var cornerRadiusTypeNameTag: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var cornerRadiusTypeNameTextField: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var cornerRadiusTypeCreateView: CornerRadius.RadiusType? {
get {
return cornerRadiusType

var borderSizeWidthTypeTextField: BorderSize.Width? {
get {
return borderSizeWidthType

var borderSizeWidthTypeButton: BorderSize.Width? {
get {
return borderSizeWidthType

var borderSizeWidthTypeDropDown: BorderSize.Width? {
get {
return borderSizeWidthType

//You can initialise AppTheme with below command
AppTheme.shared.setUp(theme: AppThemeConfigurator())