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Participant Maps

The data regarding all meeting participants is stored under meeting.participants. These does not include the local user. Use the methods and events to consume the participants data. For example, to get all the participants who joined the meeting:

// get all joined participants
const joinedParticipants = meeting.participants.joined;

The meeting.participants object has the following maps of participants

  • joined: A map that contains all the participants who are currently in the meeting except the local user
  • waitlisted: A map that contains all the participants waiting to join the meeting.
  • active: A map that contains all the participants except the local user whose media is subscribed to i.e participants are supposed to be on the screen at the moment except the local user
  • pinned: A map that contains all the pinned participants of the meeting.

Therefore if you were to make a video / audio grid of participants, you'd use the active map, but to display the list of all participants in the meeting you'd use the joined map.

Each participant in each of the joined, waitlisted, active, and pinned maps is of type DyteParticipant. Read more about each individual participant object here.

Each of these maps are of type DyteParticipantMap, and therefore emit a participantJoined event when a participant is added to the map, and a participantLeft event when a participant leaves the map. For instance, to listen for when a participant gets pinned in the meeting, you can use the following snippet:

meeting.participants.pinned.on('participantJoined', (participant) => {
console.log(`Participant ${} got pinned`);

and these other properties

  • count: The number of participants who are joined in the meeting.
  • pageCount: Number of pages available in paginated mode.
  • maxActiveParticipantsCount: The maximum number of participants that can be present in the active state.
  • lastActiveSpeaker : This stores the participantId of the last participant who spoke in the meeting.

Set participant view mode

The view mode indicates whether the participants are populated in ACTIVE_GRID mode or PAGINATED mode. In ACTIVE_GRID mode, the participants are automatically replaced in, based on who is speaking or who has their video turned on.

In PAGINATED mode, the participants in will be fixed. Only when you call the meeting.participants.setPage(pageNumber) method, it will replace the active participants with a different set of participants.

You can change the participant view between ACTIVE_GRID and PAGINATED mode using the following method. This will trigger viewModeChanged event as a side affect.

// set the view mode to paginated
await meeting.participants.setViewMode('PAGINATED');

// set the view mode to active grid
await meeting.participants.setViewMode('ACTIVE_GRID');

Set page number in paginated mode

The setPage() method allows you to switch between pages of participants present in the meeting.

// switch to second page
await meeting.participants.setPage(2);

Waiting room methods

The acceptWaitingRoomRequest() method accepts requests from waitlisted participants if user has appropriate permissions.

await meeting.participants.joined.acceptWaitingRoomRequest(participantId);

The rejectWaitingRoomRequest() method requests from waitlisted participants if user has appropriate permissions.

await meeting.participants.joined.rejectWaitingRoomRequest(participantId);