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2.x Upgrade Guide

Breaking changes

With this major release we tried to reduce the number of breaking changes to the minimal amount.

1. Removal of V1 REST API terminology in favor of V2 REST API terminology

  • meeting.self.clientSpecificId - > meeting.self.customParticipantId
  • meeting.meta.roomName → meeting.meta.meetingId
  • meeting.self.suggestedTheme → meeting.self.config
  • Dropped meeting.meta.joined (Duplicate of meeting.self.joined)

2. Event changes ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥 ️‍🔥

Network disconnects now trigger roomLeft event on meeting.self with a state indicating the cause of leaving the room. If you have redirection logic on roomLeft, please update it accordingly.

meeting.self.on('roomLeft', ({ state }) => {
if(state === 'ended' || state == "left" || state == "kicked"){
// maybe redirect to another page

Possible state values are ‘kicked’ | 'ended' | 'left' | 'rejected' | 'connected-meeting' | 'disconnected' | 'failed';

3. Handling Reconnection / Disconnection

  • connected disconnected connectionError iceConnected iceDisconnected iceFailed iceReconnecting socketConnected socketDisconnected socketReconnecting socketReconnectAttempt socketReconnectFailure socketReconnected socketFailure

    events on meeting.meta are removed and replaced with new simplified connection events and properties

    • Updates to Media connection (WebRTC connection used for the transfer of actual media) will be sent on mediaConnectionUpdate event with the payload
      You can also get the value of this payload by checking the meeting.meta.mediaState property
    • Updates to Websocket connection (used for chat, polls and other basic signaling) will be sent on socketConnectionUpdate event.
      You can also get the value of this payload by checking the meeting.meta.socketState property

    Read more on the meeting metadata page