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Meeting Metadata

All metadata pertaining to a meeting is stored in meeting.meta. This includes:

  • viewType: Indicates the type of the meeting, possible values are WEBINAR, GROUP_CALL.
  • roomType: Indicates the meeting is a group-call or a webinar.
  • meetingTitle: The title of the meeting.
  • meetingStartedTimestamp: The timestamp when the meeting started.
  • mediaState: Media Connection state
  • socketState: Socket Connection state

For example, if you want to get the title of the meeting the current participant is connected to, you can do so by doing:

const [meetingTitle, roomJoined] = useDyteSelector((m) => 
[m.meta.meetingTitle, m.self.roomJoined]
useEffect(() => {
if (roomJoined) {
`The local user has joined a meeting with title ${meetingTitle}.`,
}, [roomJoined, meetingTitle])


The meta object also emits events for indicating the change in the connection state of the room.

  1. Media Connection

Updates to Media connection (WebRTC connection used for the transfer of actual media) will be sent on mediaConnectionUpdate event with the payload

meeting.meta.on('mediaConnectionUpdate', ({ transport, state }) => {
// transport - 'consuming' | 'producing'
// state - 'new' | 'connecting' | 'connected' | 'disconnected' | 'reconnecting' | 'failed'
  1. Socket Connection

Updates to Websocket connection (used for chat, polls and other basic signaling) will be sent on socketConnectionUpdate event

({ state, reconnectionAttempt, reconnected }) => {
// state - 'connected' | 'disconnected' | 'reconnecting' | 'failed'