Creating a poll
Create polls in a meeting.
Create polls in a meeting.
Edit chat messages that you have sent in a meeting.
Event handling for participants.
Methods on a plugin in a meeting.
Methods on a plugin in a meeting.
Send and receive chat messages in a meeting.
Local user setup guide.
Manage plugins in a meeting.
Create, receive and interact with polls in a meeting.
Local user media guide to manage media permissions.
Local user media guide to local media permission errors.
All metadata pertaining to a meeting.
Other functionality associated with chat.
Methods on a plugin in a meeting.
Other poll functions
Events, methods and data pertaining to meeting participants.
The object corresponding to a particular participant.
Receive chat messages that have been sent in a meeting.
Control recordings in a meeting.
Looking to upgrade from a 1.x -> 2.x version, read the upgrade guide here
Send a chat message in a meeting.
Voting on polls in a meeting.