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Waiting room


To subscribe to waiting room events, you need to attach a waiting room listener as:

class WaitingRoomListener extends DyteWaitingRoomEventsListener {
void onWaitListParticipantAccepted(DyteWaitlistedParticipant participant){
// manage state/UI to show that participant has been accepted

onWaitListParticipantJoinedEmitted when a participant joins the waitlisted queue. This event also contain participant details in the payload
onWaitListParticipantClosedEmitted when a waitlisted participant withdraws it's request. This event also contain participant details in the payload
onWaitListParticipantAcceptedEmitted when a waitlisted participant is accepted. This event also contain participant details in the payload.
onWaitListParticipantRejectedEmitted when a waitlisted participant is rejected. This event also contain participant details in the payload.