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Introduction - Participants

The data regarding all meeting participants is stored under participants objects of DyteMobileClient() instance. To get all the objects and methods related to participants:

  final participants = dyteClient.participants;

Use the methods and events to consume the participants data. For example, to get all the participants who joined the meeting:

// get all joined participants
final joinedParticipants = dyteClient.participants.joined;

The dyteClient.participants object has the following properties.

  • waitlisted: A list that contains all the participants waiting to join the meeting. All elements of this array are of type DyteWaitlistedParticipant.
  • joined: A list that contains all the participants who have joined the meeting. All elements of this array are of type DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant.
  • active: A list that contains all the participants except the local user who are supposed to be on the screen at the moment. All elements of this array are of type DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant.
  • screenshares: A list that contains all the participants who have shared screen in the meeting. All elements of this array are of type DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant.
  • pinned: Pinned participant of the meeting. It can be nullable as well. This is of type DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant.

Therefore, if you were to make a grid of participants, you'd use the active list, but to display all participants in the meeting you'd use the joined list.

  • dyteClient.pinned is of type DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant.
  • All participant in each of the joined, waitlisted, active, and screenshares list is of type DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant.

Grid info for the room

DyteGridPagesInfo object is designed to help you with pagination decisions. It is returned with onGridUpdated event. It contains the following properties:

  • currentPageNumber: Int, returns the current page number (currently displayed by the client).
  • pageCount: Int, max pages possible with current number of participants.
  • isNextPagePossible: bool, if the next page of participants is available.
  • isPreviousPagePossible: bool, if previous page of participants is available.

Video view

To access the video view of a participant, create an object of the VideoView class.

// To show the video of a participant
final videoView = VideoView(meetingParticipant: participant);
// To get video view for a local user
final selfVideoView = VideoView(isSelfTrue: true);

Move between pages in paginated mode

The setPage(int pageNumber) method allows you to switch between pages of participants present in the meeting.

Note: Indexing of page starts from 0

// switch to page 1

Broadcast Message to all participants

// payload is a Map<String, dynamic>
const payload = {
"message": "Hello World",
dyteClient.broadcastMessage("type", payload);

Video update for all participants

Triggered when any participant of the meeting enable/disable it's video. It also passes the participant details who has updated it's video status.

class ParticipantNotifier implements DyteParticipantEventsListener{


void onVideoUpdate(
bool videoEnabled,
DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant participant,
) {

Audio update

Triggered when any participant of the meeting enable/disable it's audio. It also passes the participant details who has updated it's audio status.

class ParticipantNotifier implements DyteParticipantEventsListener{


void onAudioUpdate(
bool audioEnabled,
DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant participant,
) {