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Host Actions & Permissions

Based on your peer preset permissions you can perform certain host actions in Dyte's Flutter SDK. As you follow through this page, you'll know what the host actions are and how to implement it based on permissions.


Permissions are set in the Developer Portal. Based on the permissions set, you can perform certain host actions. To access permissions, use dyteClient.permissions method. The permissions are as follows:

Media Permissions

Media permissions (audio, video and screenshare) can be accessed using You can get audio, video and screenshare permissions. Audio and screenshare permissions are of DyteMediaPermission type & video permissions are of DyteVideoPermissions type.

DyteMediaPermission is a enum & can have 3 values:

  • DyteMediaPermission.allowed : If the user is allowed to access the media.
  • DyteMediaPermission.canRequest : If the user can request access to the media. Ex: If a user is off stage but can request to come on stage in case of webinar.
  • DyteMediaPermission.notAllowed : If the user is not allowed to access the media.

DyteVideoPermissions have 3 properties:

  • permission: It is of DyteMediaPermission type & stores the video permission.
  • frameRate : It is of type int & stores the frame rate of the video.
  • quality : It is of type string and stores the quality of the video.

// To get audio permission
final DyteMediaPermission audioPermission =;

// To get video details
final DyteVideoPermissions videoPermission =;

// To get screenshare permission
final DyteMediaPermission screensharePermission =;

Waiting Room Permissions

Waiting room permissions are of type WaitingRoomPermissions contains 2 properties:

  • canAcceptRequests: It is of type bool & tells if the user can accept/reject waiting requests of participants present in waiting room.
  • type: It is of enum type WaitingRoomType and is useful to know where client can directly enter meeting room or need permission from host.

WaitingRoomType can have 4 values:

  • WaitingRoomType.skip : If the user can directly enter the meeting room.
  • WaitingRoomType.onAccept : If the user needs permission from host to enter the meeting room.
  • WaitingRoomType.skipOnAccept : If the user needs permission from host just the first time while trying to join meeting room.
  • WaitingRoomType.skipOnPriviligedUserEntry : If the user can enter once there's a privileged user is present in the room.
final WaitingRoomPermissions waitingRoomPermissions = dyteClient.permissions.waitingRoom;

Chat Permissions

Chat permissions are of type ChatPermissions contains 2 properties:

  • canSendText: It is of type bool & tells if the user can send messages in the chat.
  • canSendFiles: It is of type bool & tells if the user can send images/files in the chat.
final ChatPermissions chatPermissions =;

Host Permissions

Host permissions are of type HostPermissions contains 5 properties:

  • canMuteAudio: It is of type bool & tells if the user can mute audio of other participants in the room.
  • canDisableVideo: It is of type bool & tells if the user can disable other participant's video.
  • canKickParticipant: It is of type bool & tells if the user can kick other participants from the room.
  • canPinParticipant: It is of type bool & tells if the user can pin other participants in the room.
  • canTriggerRecording: It is of type bool & tells if the user can trigger recording in the room.
final HostPermissions hostPermissions =;

Poll Permissions

Poll permissions are of type PollPermissions contains 3 properties:

  • canCreate: It is of type bool & tells if the user can create polls in the meeting room.
  • canVote: It is of type bool & tells if the user can vote in the polls.
  • canView: It is of type bool & tells if the user can view the polls.
final PollPermissions pollPermissions = dyteClient.permissions.poll;

Plugin Permissions

Plugin permissions are of type PluginPermissions contains 2 properties:

  • canLaunch: It is of type bool & tells if the user can launch plugins in the meeting room.
  • canClose: It is of type bool & tells if the user can close plugins in the meeting room.
final PluginPermissions pluginPermissions = dyteClient.permissions.plugin;

Livestream Permissions

Livestream permissions are of type LivestreamPermissions contains the following property:

  • canLivestream: It is of type bool & tells if the user can start/stop livestreaming.
final LivestreamPermissions livestreamPermissions = dyteClient.permissions.livestream;

Miscellaneous Permissions

Miscellaneous permissions are of type MiscellaneousPermissions with following property:

  • canEditDisplayName: It is of type bool & tells if the user can edit their display name.

Host Actions

A peer can execute following actions if their preset allows it. To access preset permissions, see the permissions section above:

Pin/Unpin participant

You can pin & unpin a participant in a meeting room. Use pinParticipant(participant) and unpinParticipant() method to pin & unpin the participant respectively. The participant is of DyteMeetingParticipanttype.

// Pin the `participant`

// Unpin pinned participant

Kick participant(s)

You can kick a participant or kick all participants from a meeting using kickParticipant(participant) and kickAll() method respectively. The participant is of DyteMeetingParticipant type.

// Kick the `participant`

// Kick all participants

Accept/Reject waitlisted request

You can accept or reject a waitlisted request using acceptWaitlistedParticipant(participant) and rejectWaitlistedParticipant(participant) method respectively. The participant is of DyteMeetingParticipant type.

// Accept the waitlisted `waitlistedParticipant`

// Reject the waitlisted `waitlistedParticipant`

Mute participant(s) audio

You can mute a participant's audio or mute all participants' audio using disableParticipantAudio(participant) and muteAllAudios() method respectively. The participant is of DyteMeetingParticipant type.

// Mute the `participant` audio

// Mute all participants' audio

Disable participant(s) video

You can disable a participant's video or disable all participants' video using disableParticipantVideo(participant) and disableAllVideos() method respectively. The participant is of DyteMeetingParticipant type.

// Disable the `participant` video

// Disable all participants' video