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The meetings polls object can be accessed using dyteClient.polls. It provides methods to create polls, vote, and more.

dyteClient.polls.polls returns an array of all polls created in a meeting, where each element is an object of type DytePollMessage.

class DytePollMessage {
final String id;
final String question;
final bool anonymous;
final bool hideVotes;
final String createdBy;
final List<DytePollOption> options;
final List<String> voted;

The DytePollMessage class has the following properties:

  • id: Unique ID assigned to each poll.
  • question: Question of the poll.
  • anonymous: To hide the votes of each user even after completion. (false by default)
  • hideVotes: Hide votes until the voting is complete. (enabled if anonymous is enabled)
  • createdBy: Name of creator the poll.
  • options: Array of DytePollOption object, contains all the options to the poll question.

The type DytePollMessage represents a poll in a Dyte meeting. It also contains list of DytePollOption which are options for a given poll. And every DytePollOption has list of votes inside of it. Votes are objects of class DytePollVote which internally has id and name of the vote.

class DytePollOption(
final String text; // Option text.
final List<DytePollVote> votes; // List of votes.
final int count; // Number of votes.

class DytePollVote {
final String id; // ID of the voter.
final String name; // Name of the voter.

Listening to new polls in a meeting

To be able to receive new poll messages you need to implement a method onPollUpdates() method from callback DytePollEventsListener:

To get poll updates, listen to onPollUpdates() callback:

class PollEventsListeners extends DytePollEventsListener {

void onPollUpdates(List<DytePollMessage> polls) {
/// code to handle polls

void onNewPoll(DytePollMessage poll) {
/// code to handle new poll


You can subscribe to these events as follows:
