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The meetings polls object can be accessed using dyteClient.polls. It provides methods to create polls, vote, and more.

dyteClient.polls.polls returns an array of all polls created in a meeting, where each element is an object of type DytePollMessage.

The DytePollMessage class has the following properties:

  • id: Unique ID assigned to each poll.
  • question: Question of the poll.
  • anonymous: To hide the votes of each user even after completion. (false by default)
  • hideVotes: Hide votes until the voting is complete. (enabled if anonymous is enabled)
  • createdBy: Name of creator the poll.
  • options: Array of DytePollOption object, contains all the options to the poll question.

DytePollOption has the following properties:

  • text : Contains the option text.
  • votes : List of DytePollVote object, which contains info about voters of this option.
  • count : Int of number of votes given to this option.

DytePollVote has the following properties:

  • id : ID of the voter.
  • name : Name of the voter.