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The participant object

The participant object consists of all the information related to a particular participant. For instance, it contains a participants video/audio/screenshare stream, and the participant's name. It also contains state variables that indicate whether a participant's camera is on or off, and whether they are muted or unmuted.

The participant object has the following properties.

  • id: The participantId of the participant (aka peerId).
  • userId: The userId of the participant.
  • name: The participant's name.
  • picture: The participant's picture (if any).
  • customParticipantId: An arbitrary ID that can be set to identify the participant.
  • videoTrack: The video track of the participant.
  • screenShareTrack: The video and audio (if any) track of the participant's screen share stream.
  • videoEnabled: Set to true if the participant's camera is on.
  • audioEnabled: Set to true if the participant is unmuted.
  • isPinned: True if current user is pinned in the meeting room.
  • presetName: Name of the preset associated with the participant.
  • presetInfo : A typed object representing the preset information for local user.
  • stageStatus: Status of stage for the participant

To get video view of a given participant

You can call participant.getVideoView() which will return a View which further can used to add in any view.

Similarly one can use participant.getScreenShareVideoView() which will return a View which further can used to add in any view.

Host Controls

If you are the host of the room, you can use the host controls. The host controls allow you to manage the participants in the room.

The host controls include the following options:

  • Mute/Unmute: Mute or unmute a participant.
  • Kick: Kick a participant from the room.
  • Pin: Pin a participant's video.
  • Turn off video: Turn off a participant's video.

You can also use these methods from our participant object to perform these actions programmatically.

if let participant = meeting.participants.joined.first(where: { $ == participantId }) {
// To disable a participant's video stream

// To disable a participant's audio stream

// To kick a participant from the meeting

Waiting Room

Host can use these waiting room methods from our participant object to perform these actions programmatically.

// Accept the request and let the participant in the meeting

// Reject the request, do not permit the participant to join the meeting


You can also pin or unpin a participant in the meeting. All "pinned" participants are added to the meeting.participants.pinned.

if let participant = meeting.participants.joined.first(where: { $ == participantId }) {
// To pin a participant

// To unpin a participant

Move between pages in paginated mode

The setPage(pageNumber: Int) method allows you to switch between pages of participants present in the meeting.

// switch to 1st page

Broadcast message to all participants

Send a broadcast message to all joined participants


type: A client-specific type to differentiate between custom messages like "emoji" or "greetings"

payload: A dictionary containing the message payload, where keys are strings and values are of any type.

// broadcast message
meeting.participants.broadcastMessage(type, payload)

Receiving Broadcast messages

To be able to receive broadcast messages you need to implement a method onRoomMessage method from callback DyteSelfEventsListener. You can subscribe to this events by calling meeting.addChatEventsListener(dyteSelfEventsListener)

check this dyteSelfEventsListener broadcastMessage documentation