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Participant Events

You can subscribe to events for all participants by implementing DyteParticipantEventsListener callback and then passing that object to meeting.addParticipantEventsListener(dyteParticipantEventsListener) method. Here are the supported methods:

Participant joined

Triggers an event when any participant joins the meeting.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onParticipantJoin(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle new participant

Participant left

Triggers an event when any participant leaves the meeting.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onParticipantLeave(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle participant left from meeting

Screenshare updates

Triggers an event when there is any change in screenshares in a meeting.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onScreenSharesUpdated() {
// your code here to handle screenshares from meeting
// you can use `meeting.participants.screenshares` to get latest screenshare participants
func onScreenShareEnded(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle screenshare ended

func onScreenShareStarted(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle screenshare started

Video update

Trigger an event when any participant starts / stops video.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onVideoUpdate(videoEnabled: Bool, participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle participant video toggle update

Audio update

Trigger an event when any participant starts / stops audio.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onAudioUpdate(audioEnabled: Bool, participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle participant audio toggle update

Active speaker

Trigger an event when any is change in active speaker in the meeting.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onActiveSpeakerChanged(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to handle active speaker

func onNoActiveSpeaker() {
// your code here to handle no active speaker

Pinned participant

Trigger an event when any is change in pinned participant in the meeting.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onParticipantPinned(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to show pinned participant

func onParticipantUnpinned(participant: DyteMeetingParticipant) {
// your code here to remove pinned participant

Active participants list change

Triggers an event when any change in active participants list in the meeting.

    extension MeetingViewModel: DyteParticipantEventsListener {
func onActiveParticipantsChanged(active: [DyteMeetingParticipant]) {
// your code here to refresh active participants