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Introduction - Local User

The local user has the methods and properties on the local user media controls. Accessible via localUser within the meeting object.


Here is a list of properties that meeting.localUser user provides:

  • id: The ID of the participant pertaining to local user.
  • name: Contains Name of the local user.
  • customParticipantId: Identifier provided by the developer while adding the participant.
  • permissions: The permissions related to various capabilities within a meeting context for the local user.
  • audioTrack: The audio track for the local user.
  • videoTrack: The video track for the local user.
  • screenShareTrack: The screen share video tracks for the local user.
  • audioEnabled: A boolean value indicating if the audio is currently enabled.
  • videoEnabled: A boolean value indicating if the video is currently enabled.
  • isScreenShareParticipant: A boolean value indicating if the participant is a screen share participant in this meeting.

Change default audio / video settings

By default as soon as you join the meeting the SDK will produce your video and audio streams. To change this behaviour use the audioEnabled & videoEnabled parameter

let meetingInfo = DyteMeetingInfo(
authToken = AUTH_TOKEN,
audioEnabled = false,
videoEnabled = true)

Get local user video view

To show localUser preview inside a view. Use getSelfPreview() method on localUser. This method returns a View which can be added in any View.


Turn audio/video tracks after joining the room

If audio and video tracks are disabled during the DyteMobileClient initialization process. You can setup the audio and video tracks by simply calling enableAudio() and enableVideo() like below:

meeting.localUser.enableAudio{ err in
if let error = err {
print("Error enabling audio: \(error)")
meeting.localUser.enableVideo{ err in
if let error = err {
print("Error enabling video: \(error)")

Change the name of the local user

Change the user's name by calling setDisplayName method. The changed name will reflect across all participants ONLY if the change happens before joinRoom() the meeting and after init().

meeting.localUser.setDisplayName("New Name")

Mute/Unmute microphone

// Mute Audio

// Unmute Audio

// Get current status

Enable/Disable camera

// Disable Video

// Enable Video

// Get current status

Pinning & unpinning

You can pin or unpin yourself given you have the appropriate permissions. You can check the pinned status of the local user using meeting.localUser.isPinned.;

Enable / Disable Screen share

// Enable Screenshare

// Disable Screenshare

Switch camera between primary and secondary

// switch camera


If you want to set video device yourself:

meeting.localUser.setVideoDevice(videoDevice: DyteVideoDevice)