Stage Host Controls
In a stage management-enabled meeting, a user with the
permission as true
considered a host. The meeting.stage
object in Dyte's Android Core SDK provides stage management APIs that allow hosts to
manage stage access requests, invite participants to the stage, and remove participants from the stage.
List of Stage Access Requests
You can retrieve the list of pending stage access requests by accessing the meeting.stage.accessRequests
property. This property
provides a list of DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant
objects who have requested stage access.
Note: If the local user is not a host, this property returns an empty list.
Grant Access
To accept stage access requests or allow a participant directly to the stage, you can use the grantAccess()
Alternatively, the grantAccessAll()
method can be used to grant stage access to all participants with pending stage access requests.
// Grants stage access to a participant
// id: peer id of the stage access requesting participant
// Grants stage access to all participants with pending stage access requests
Deny Access
To reject stage access requests, you can use the denyAccess()
method. Similarly, the denyAccessAll()
method can be used to
deny all pending stage access requests.
// Denies stage access request of a participant
// id: peer id of the stage access requesting participant
// Denies all pending stage access requests
Kick Users
You can remove a participant from the stage by using the kick()
// Kicks a participant from stage
// id: peer id of the ON_STAGE participant to kick
Listening to Stage Access Requests
You can listen to incoming stage access requests or changes in the access requests list if you are a host. The SDK provides the
following callbacks to DyteStageEventsListener
meeting.addStageEventsListener(object : DyteStageEventsListener {
override fun onPresentRequestAdded(participant: DyteStageParticipant) {
// Called when a user is requesting to join the stage
override fun onPresentRequestClosed(participant: DyteStageParticipant) {
// Called when a user who was trying to join the stage leaves the call
override fun onPresentRequestRejected(participant: DyteStageParticipant) {
// Called when a join stage request is denied by the host
override fun onPresentRequestWithdrawn(participant: DyteStageParticipant) {
// Called when a user who was trying to join the stage withdraws their request to join
override fun onStageRequestsUpdated(accessRequests: List<DyteJoinedMeetingParticipant>) {
// Called when the access requests list is updated
These APIs enable you to manage stage access requests and participants effectively in Dyte meetings. Next, we'll explore the Stage APIs available to Viewer participants.