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Plugins are one-click add-ons that can make your meetings more immersive and collaborative. Dyte provides a bunch of inbuilt plugins to choose from, you can also build your own plugins using the Plugin SDK.

The meeting plugins can be accessed from the meeting.plugins object, it exposes the following.

activeListAll plugins that are currently in use.
allListAll plugins the meeting has access to.

Each plugin in the list is of type DytePlugin which has the following public fields and methods:

class DytePlugin {
let id: String
let name: String
let description: String
let picture: String
let isPrivate: Bool
let staggered: Bool
let baseURL: String
let config: PluginConfig
let isActive: Bool
let enabledBy: String?

func activate()
func deactivate()
func getPluginView(): WebView
func sendData(eventName: String, data: Any?)

The PluginConfig type consists of the following fields:

class PluginConfig {
let accessControl: String = "FULL_ACCESS"