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Livestream event listeners

You can listen to livestream events by attaching a listener by calling addLivestreamEventsListener on dyteMobileClient object where dyteMobileClient is an instance of DyteMobileClient().

extension LivestreamViewController: DyteLiveStreamEventsListener {
public func onJoinRequestAccepted(peer: LiveStreamStagePeer) {
// when localUser's join request is accepted by host

public func onJoinRequestRejected(peer: LiveStreamStagePeer) {
// when localUser's join request is rejected by host

public func onLiveStreamEnded() {
// when livestream is ended

public func onLiveStreamEnding() {
// when livestream is ending

public func onLiveStreamErrored() {
// errored livestream

public func onLiveStreamStarted() {
// when livestream is started

public func onLiveStreamStarting() {
// when livestream is starting

public func onLiveStreamStateUpdate(data: DyteLivestreamData) {
// when there is an update in state of the livestream

public func onStageCountUpdated(count: Int32) {
// when stage count updates in livestream

public func onStageRequestsUpdated(requests: [LiveStreamStageRequestPeer]) {
// when there are updates in stage requests

public func onViewerCountUpdated(count: Int32) {
// when viewer count updates in livestream


meeting.addLiveStreamEventsListener(liveStreamEventsListener: self)

Livestream events

  • onLiveStreamStarting

    This event is triggered when the livestream is about to start.

  • onLiveStreamStarted

    This event is triggered when the livestream has started.

  • onLiveStreamStateUpdate

    This event is triggered when the livestream state is updated.

  • onViewerCountUpdated

    This event is triggered when the viewer count is updated.

  • onLiveStreamEnding

    This event is triggered when the livestream is about to end.

  • onLiveStreamEnded

    This event is triggered when the livestream has ended.

  • onLiveStreamErrored

    This event is triggered when their is an error while starting/stopping the livestream.

  • onStageCountUpdated

    This event is triggered when the number of users on stage is updated. The count object contains the updated stage count.

  • onStageRequestsUpdated

    This event is triggered when the stage requests are updated. The requests object contains the updated list of stage requests.

  • onJoinRequestAccepted

    This event is triggered when a stage request is accepted. The peer object contains the peer whose request is accepted.

      public func onJoinRequestAccepted(peer: LiveStreamStagePeer) {}
  • onJoinRequestRejected

    This event is triggered when a stage request is rejected. The peer object contains the peer whose request is rejected.

      public func onJoinRequestRejected(peer: LiveStreamStagePeer) {}