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Recording Overview

Dyte records the audio and video of multiple users in a meeting, as well as interactions with Dyte plugins, in a single file using composite recording mode.

How does Dyte recording work?​

Dyte recordings are powered by anonymous virtual bot users who join your meeting, record it, and then upload it to Dyte's AWS S3 bucket. For video files, we currently support the H.264 and VP8 codecs.

  1. When the recording is finished, it is stored in Dyte's AWS S3 bucket.

  2. Dyte generates a downloadable link from which the recording can be downloaded. You can get the download URL using the Fetch details of a recording API or from the Developer Portal.

    You can receive notifications of recording status in any of the following ways:

  3. Download the recording from the download url and store it to your cloud storage. The file is kept on Dyte's server for seven days before being deleted.

    You can get the download URL using the Fetch active recording API. or from the Developer Portal.

    We support transferring recordings to AWS, Azure, and DigitalOcean storage buckets. You can also choose to preconfigure the storage configurations using the Developer Portal or the Start recording a meeting API.


A typical workflow for recording a meeting involves the following steps:

  1. Start a recording using the POST endpoint or client side SDK / UI.
  2. Stop the recording using the PUT endpoint or client side SDK / UI..
  3. Fetch the download URL for downloading the recording using the GET endpoint, webhook or from the Developer Portal.