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View Webhook Events List

This topic provides an up-to-date list of all the events that can be used with webhooks. Please note that we're constantly adding new events.

All events follow a pattern, resource.event. Our goal is to design a consistent system that makes things easier to anticipate and code against.


Events are subscription-only, which means you must opt-in to receive them. You will not receive updates for event types for which you have not opted in.

List of Events​

Following are the events:


This event is received when a meeting starts. i.e: When the first participant joins a meeting.

The payload for this event is like the following:

"event": "meeting.started",
"meeting": {
"id": "50c8940e-1b97-402a-97d6-2708b7feca41",
"sessionId": "05e57591-d89e-45c9-ae44-08dc1eaad0e0",
"title": "Meeting title",
"roomName": "lcfvaa-absxch",
"status": "LIVE",
"createdAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:09.736Z",
"startedAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:09.736Z",
"organizedBy": {
"id": "70c5d391-5bca-4cf3-9907-bec205798adb",
"name": "Dyte"

roomName is sent only if you've created your meeting using v1 APIs.


This event is received when a meeting ends. i.e: When the last participant leaves a meeting or the host ends the meeting manually.

The payload for this event is like the following:

"event": "meeting.ended",
"meeting": {
"id": "50c8940e-1b97-402a-97d6-2708b7feca41",
"sessionId": "05e57591-d89e-45c9-ae44-58dc1eaad0e0",
"title": "Meeting title",
"status": "LIVE",
"createdAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:09.736Z",
"startedAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:09.736Z",
"endedAt": "2022-12-13T07:04:37.052Z",
"organizedBy": {
"id": "70c5d391-5bca-4cf3-9907-bec205798adb",
"name": "Dyte"

Note that the reason can be one of HOST_ENDED_MEETING or ALL_PARTICIPANTS_LEFT.


This event is received when a participant joins the meeting.

The payload for this event is like the following:

"event": "meeting.participantJoined",
"meeting": {
"id": "50c8940e-1b97-402a-97d6-240227feca41",
"sessionId": "05e57591-d89e-45c9-ae44-78d53eaad0e0",
"title": "Meeting title",
"status": "LIVE",
"createdAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:09.736Z",
"startedAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:09.736Z",
"organizedBy": {
"id": "70c5d391-4bac-4cf3-9907-bec242342adb",
"name": "Dyte"
"participant": {
"peerId": "e32fb785-ddd0-4b96-b577-879327c0082f",
"userDisplayName": "John Doe",
"clientSpecificId": "l08is183rld", // deprecated, use `customParticipantId` instead
"customParticipantId": "l08is183rld",
"joinedAt": "2022-12-13T06:57:51.631Z"

The clientSpecificId field is deprecated. Please use customParticipantId instead.


This event is received when a participant leaves the meeting

The payload for this event is like the following:

"event": "meeting.participantLeft",
"meeting": {
"id": "d9fc4d6a-a5a0-4430-9a73-d4ba14e597f9",
"sessionId": "79365b9b-e5ef-452f-934e-e171d75d254b",
"title": "Meeting title",
"status": "LIVE",
"createdAt": "2022-12-13T07:00:23.404Z",
"startedAt": "2022-12-13T07:00:23.404Z",
"organizedBy": {
"id": "70c5d391-4bac-4cf3-9907-bec205798adb",
"name": "Dyte"
"participant": {
"peerId": "023d3ea6-0af0-40ad-8aa3-6645c4ff1db8",
"userDisplayName": "Mary Sue",
"clientSpecificId": "dj287lon9c", // deprecated, use `customParticipantId` instead
"customParticipantId": "dj287lon9c",
"joinedAt": "2022-12-13T07:01:41.535Z",
"leftAt": "2022-12-13T07:03:42.420Z"

The clientSpecificId field is deprecated. Please use customParticipantId instead.


This event is received when the chat messages dump of a meeting becomes available after the meeting ends.

The payload for this event is like the following:

"event": "meeting.chatSynced",
"sessionId": "79365b9b-e5ef-452f-934e-e171d75d254b",
"meetingId": "d9fc4d6a-a5a0-4430-9a73-d4ba14e597f9",
"chatDownloadUrl": "",
"chatDownloadUrlExpiry": "2022-12-13 07:08:39.051621Z",
"organizedBy": {
"id": "70c5d391-4bac-4cf3-9907-bec205798adb",
"name": "Dyte"


This event is received when the audio transcripts of a meeting becomes available after the meeting ends.

The payload for this event is like the following:

"event": "meeting.transcript",
"meeting": {
"id": "bbbba351-90c5-487f-8358-ce4885555134",
"sessionId": "01eab2e1-3cd4-4237-8cf3-c8c071ef87e9",
"title": "Meeting",
"status": "LIVE",
"createdAt": "2023-08-10T10:31:20.173Z",
"startedAt": "2023-08-10T10:31:20.173Z",
"endedAt": "2023-08-10T10:33:56.771Z",
"organizedBy": {
"id": "d6f046b8-b638-4cf7-8090-d9332447ae49",
"name": "Dyte"
"transcriptDownloadUrl": "",
"transcriptDownloadUrlExpiry": "2023-12-13 07:08:39.051621Z"


This event is received when the status of a recording changes. The possible values for a recording's status are INVOKED, RECORDING, UPLOADING, UPLOADED, and ERRORED

"event": "recording.statusUpdate",
"recording": {
"id": "97cb480d-5840-4528-ace3-919b5e386c68",
"recordingId": "97cb480d-5840-4528-ace3-919b5e386c68",
"meetingId": "26c31468-55d4-4099-b49d-109778b182df",
"organizationId": "c94c437b-592a-4a39-b9e2-47ef1451e43b",
"status": "RECORDING",
"startedTime": "2023-01-25 04:51:35.903816Z",
"roomUUID": "56b81d16-5d4e-45ed-85b4-056587b00aa0",
"outputFileName": "26c31468-55d4-4099-b49d-109778b182df_1674622294193.mp4"
"meeting": {
"id": "26c31468-55d4-4099-b49d-109778b182df",
"sessionId": "56b81d16-5d4e-45ed-85b4-056587b00aa0",
"title": "Meeting title",
"status": "LIVE",
"createdAt": "2023-01-25T04:51:22.116Z",
"startedAt": "2023-01-26T03:36:23.224Z",
"endedAt": null,
"organizedBy": {
"id": "c94c437b-592a-4a39-b9e2-47ef1451e43b",
"name": "Dyte"


This event is triggered when a livestream's status changes. Possible values for status are LIVE, OFFLINE and IDLE.

"event": "livestreaming.statusUpdate",
"streamId": "d231d346-c422-43a6-a324-c0d65b79c8a7",
"status": "LIVE"