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Edit user name

A common use case of pre-call UI is to give the user a option to set / edit their name.


Requires meeting.self.permissions.canEditDisplayName to be true

In the preset editor, ensure Miscellaneous > Edit Name is toggled enabled.

File: CustomMeetingPreview.tsx

We add a DyteInputField element for entering the participant name. We should not show this input if the user doese not have permission to edit name (permissions.canEditDisplayName)

await meeting.self.setName(participantName); sets the new name for the participant.

At the end, we let user join the meeting using await meeting.join();.

import { useDyteMeeting, useDyteSelector } from '@dytesdk/react-native-core';
import { DyteButton, DyteTextField } from '@dytesdk/react-native-ui-kit';
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';

export default function CustomMeetingPreview() {
const { meeting } = useDyteMeeting();
const permissions = useDyteSelector((m) => m.self.permissions);
const [participantName, setParticipantName] = useState('');

useEffect(() => {
if (!meeting) {
}, [meeting]);

return (
className="flex h-full w-full flex-col items-center justify-center"
style={{ minHeight: '400px' }}
<View className="flex w-full items-center justify-around p-[10%]">
<View className="flex w-1/4 flex-col justify-between">
<View className="flex flex-col items-center">
<p>Joining as</p>
{permissions.canEditDisplayName && (
placeholder="Your name"
onChange={(event) => setParticipantName(}
style={{ cursor: participantName ? 'pointer' : 'not-allowed' }}
onClick={async () => {
if (participantName) {
if (permissions.canEditDisplayName) {
await meeting.self.setName(participantName);
await meeting.join();