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Receiving chat messages

To be able to receive chat messages you need to implement a method onChatUpdates() method from callback DyteChatEventsListener. You can subscribe to this events by calling meeting.addChatEventsListener(dyteChatEventsListener)

extension MeetingViewModel: DyteChatEventsListener {
func onChatUpdates(messages: [DyteChatMessage]) {
// to load chat messages

func onNewChatMessage(message: DyteChatMessage) {
// when a new chat message is shared in the meeting

func onMessageRateLimitReset() {
// when the rate limit for sending messages of self is reset

The onChatUpdates() method will be called whenever there is a change in the chat messages. The messages parameter is a list of DyteChatMessage objects that have been sent in the chat.

The onNewChatMessage() method will be called whenever a new chat message is shared in the meeting. The message parameter is a DyteChatMessage object that has been sent in the chat.

The onMessageRateLimitReset() method will be called when the rate limit for sending messages of self is reset and you can send messages again. The default rate limit is 180 messages within 60 seconds.