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System Error Codes (0-20)

This topic describes web core system error codes 0-20.

This topic describes web core system error codes 0-20.


Error code: 0001

  • Error message: Failed to initialize
  • Possible reason: DyteClient is not getting initialized.
  • Possible solution: Verify if you initialized the DyteClient correctly await DyteClient.init({ ... }). See DyteClient. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0002

  • Error message: Failed to join room
  • Possible reason: Indicates a problem with the DyteClient.
  • Possible solution: The joinRoom() method is used to join a meeting room in Dyte. Try calling this method again on the DyteClient:
await meeting.joinRoom();

Once the join room process completes, you'll see the roomJoined event is emitted on the meeting.self namespace.

Error code: 0003

  • Error message: Failed to leave room
  • Possible reason: Indicates a problem with the DyteClient.
  • Possible solution: The leaveRoom() method is used to leave a meeting room in Dyte. Try calling this method again on the DyteClient:
await meeting.leaveRoom();

Error code: 0004

  • Error message: Invalid auth token
  • Possible reason: Indicates a problem with the passed participant auth token.
  • Possible solution: Ensure that the passed auth token is a valid JWT auth token that is not expired yet.

Error code: 0010

  • Error message: Browser not supported
  • Possible reason: Browser is too old and does not support WebRTC
  • Possible solution: Upgrade browser to the latest version. Google Chrome is preferred.

Error code: 0011

  • Error message: HTTP Network Error
  • Possible reason: Either internet issues are there or the API requests are failing due to a faulty auth token among other cases
  • Possible solution: Ensure that the internet connection is proper. Speed test can be performed at Make sure that the meeting is active and the token has not expired.

Error code: 0012

  • Error message: Websocket Network Error
  • Possible reason: Either internet issues are there or the Websocket connection failed due to a faulty auth token among other cases
  • Possible solution: Ensure that the internet connection is proper. Speed test can be performed at Make sure that the meeting is active and the token has not expired.

Error code: 0013

  • Error message: Rate Limited
  • Possible reason: SDK API that you are calling is being called too often
  • Possible solution: API rate limiting generally occurs when the webpage is making an unusually high number of requests within a short period. to resolve this, analyze your code to determine why so many requests are being sent and implement optimizations to reduce unnecessary calls.


Error code: 0100

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Controller module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0101

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 0102

  • Error message: Prerequisite module missing
  • Possible reason: A required module such as self for the Controller is missing or not initialized.
  • Possible solution: Ensure all prerequisite modules are properly passed in DyteClient initialization.


Error code: 0200

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the RoomNodeClient module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.


Error code: 0300

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the HiveNodeClient module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.


Error code: 0400

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the SocketService module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0404

  • Error message: Missing prerequisites to establish a websocket connection
  • Possible reason: Required prerequisites for establishing a WebSocket connection are missing.
  • Possible solution: Ensure all prerequisites (e.g., JWT auth token with meetingId, network connectivity) are met. This is extremely rare case and usually indicates an issue in Dyte SDK.


Error code: 0500

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Chat module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0501

  • Error message: Permission denied.
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 0502

  • Error message: Invalid message body.
  • Possible reason: The message body does not conform to the expected format.
  • Possible solution: The type Message is not defined correctly. See Chat.

Error code: 0503

  • Error message: Text message is too large.
  • Possible reason: The message exceeds the allowed character limit.
  • Possible solution: Reduce the message length and try again.

Error code: 0504

  • Error message: Message not found by the given ID.
  • Possible reason: The message ID provided does not correspond to an existing message.
  • Possible solution: Verify the message ID and ensure the message exists before querying.

Error code: 0505

  • Error message: Action not permitted without joining room.
  • Possible reason: The participant attempted to perform an action that requires them to join the meeting first.
  • Possible solution: The participant attempted to execute an action that is only permitted for individuals who have already joined the meeting. to proceed, they must first join the meeting using meeting.join() before attempting the action again.

Error code: 0506

  • Error message: Message search is disabled.
  • Possible reason: The message search feature is turned off.
  • Possible solution: Please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0510

  • Error message: Invalid channel name.
  • Possible reason: The channel name provided does not meet the required format or does not exist.
  • Possible solution: Ensure the channel name is correctly formatted and exists in the system.


Error code: 0600

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Plugin module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0601

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 0602

  • Error message: Auth token not set for plugin
  • Possible reason: The authentication token for the plugin is missing or invalid.
  • Possible solution: Set a valid auth token for the plugin and try again.

Error code: 0603

  • Error message: Iframe was not provided
  • Possible reason: The required iframe for the plugin is missing.
  • Possible solution: Provide the iframe and try again.


Error code: 0700

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Polls module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0705

  • Error message: Action not permitted without joining room
  • Possible reason: The participant attempted to perform an action without joining the meeting.
  • Possible solution: The participant attempted to execute an action that is only permitted for individuals who have already joined the meeting. to proceed, they must first join the meeting using meeting.join() before attempting the action again..


Error code: 0800

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Meta module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0801

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.


Error code: 0900

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Preset module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 0904

  • Error message: Could not load preset
  • Possible reason: The preset could not be loaded due to missing or invalid data. It could be that the preset is faulty, or non existent.
  • Possible solution: Verify the preset's existence in Developer Portal and try again.


Error code: 1000

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Recording module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 1001

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 1004

  • Error message: Could not find specified recording
  • Possible reason: The specified recording could not be found.
  • Possible solution: Verify the recording ID and try again.

Error code: 1005

  • Error message: Action not permitted in given recording state
  • Possible reason: The action is not allowed in the current state of the recording. For example, you can't start a new recording when the existing recording is being stopped.
  • Possible solution: Check the recording state using meeting.recording.recordingState and try again accordingly.


Error code: 1100

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Self module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 1101

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 1102

  • Error message: Unsupported
  • Possible reason: The requested action is not supported in the current media handler.
  • Possible solution: If you think it is a mistake, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 1103

  • Error message: Participant name cannot be empty
  • Possible reason: The name field was left empty while creating participant.
  • Possible solution: Provide a valid participant name and try again.

Error code: 1104

  • Error message: No device selected while calling meeting.self.setDevice
  • Possible reason: No device was passed when setting the device.
  • Possible solution: Make sure to pass a valid device in setDevice method.

Error code: 1105

  • Error message: Action not permitted without joining room
  • Possible reason: The participant attempted to perform an action without joining the meeting.
  • Possible solution: The participant attempted to execute an action that is only permitted for individuals who have already joined the meeting. to proceed, they must first join the meeting using meeting.join() before attempting the action again..

Error code: 1106

  • Error message: Can't set currently used device again
  • Possible reason: meeting.self.setDevice method is called with a device that is already set.
  • Possible solution: No need to select the device again. If you must, please try switching devices or reach out to us for the help.


Error code: 1200

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Participant module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 1201

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 1202

  • Error message: Invalid page number was requested
  • Possible reason: The requested page number is invalid. Passed page number is beyond the total pages available of participants.
  • Possible solution: Provide a valid page number and try again.

Error code: 1203

  • Error message: Invalid participant count per page was requested
  • Possible reason: The requested participant count per page is invalid.
  • Possible solution: Provide a valid count and try again.

Error code: 1204

  • Error message: No participants exists with the given participantIds
  • Possible reason: No participants were found with the specified participantIds.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participantIds and try again.

Error code: 1205

  • Error message: Action not permitted without joining room
  • Possible reason: The participant attempted to perform an action without joining the meeting.
  • Possible solution: The participant attempted to execute an action that is only permitted for individuals who have already joined the meeting. to proceed, they must first join the meeting using meeting.join() before attempting the action again..

Error code: 1206

  • Error message: Manual Subscription Mode was not ACTIVATED
  • Possible reason: Manual subscription mode is not activated. You are trying to call methods such as meeting.participants.subscribe without calling the meeting.participants.setViewMode with MANUAL view mode.
  • Possible solution: Activate manual subscription mode and try again.

Error code: 1207

  • Error message: Invalid view mode
  • Possible reason: The requested view mode is invalid.
  • Possible solution: Provide a valid view mode and try again.

Error code: 1208

  • Error message: Manual Subscription not enabled for organization
  • Possible reason: Manual subscription is not enabled for the organization.
  • Possible solution: To enable it for your organizaton, please reach out to us.

Error code: 1209

  • Error message: Broadcast message type must be a non-empty string
  • Possible reason: The broadcast message type is empty or invalid.
  • Possible solution: Provide a valid message type and try again.


Error code: 1300

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Spotlight module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.


Error code: 1500

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Webinar module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.


Error code: 1601

  • Error message: Failed to acquire audio track
  • Possible reason: Media acquisition can fail due to permission denial, insecure contexts, unavailable or busy devices, unsupported constraints, or browser restrictions.
  • Possible solution: Check the error message, browser settings, and device availability to troubleshoot.

Error code: 1602

  • Error message: Failed to get video track
  • Possible reason: Media acquisition can fail due to permission denial, insecure contexts, unavailable or busy devices, unsupported constraints, or browser restrictions.
  • Possible solution: Check the error message, browser settings, and device availability to troubleshoot.

Error code: 1603

  • Error message: Incorrect device
  • Possible reason: If passed device is falsy such as undefined or not a valid device, this error gets thrown.
  • Possible solution: Verify that you are passing a correct device.

Error code: 1604

  • Error message: Failed to change device
  • Possible reason: Indicates a problem with the device.
  • Possible solution: Verify that the device is not being used by some other software. If problem persists, Please contact us for the help.

Error code: 1605

  • Error message: Failed to get audio & video track
  • Possible reason: Both audio and video tracks could not be retrieved.
  • Possible solution: Check the devices and permissions, then try again.

Error code: 1606

  • Error message: No audio input devices are available
  • Possible reason: No audio input devices were found.
  • Possible solution: Connect an audio input device (such as a mic) and try again.

Error code: 1607

  • Error message: No video input devices are available
  • Possible reason: No video input devices were found.
  • Possible solution: Connect a video input device (such as a camera) and try again.

Error code: 1608

  • Error message: No audio output devices (speakers) are available
  • Possible reason: No audio output devices were found.
  • Possible solution: Connect an audio output device (such as a speaker) and try again.

Error code: 1609

  • Error message: Failed to fetch list of media devices
  • Possible reason: The list of media devices could not be retrieved.
  • Possible solution: Ensure you grant device permissions for mic & camera when prompted so that device list can be fetched.

Error code: 1610

  • Error message: No media track exists
  • Possible reason: No active media track was found.
  • Possible solution: Verify that the video is enabled using meeting.self.videoEnabled before calling meeting.self.updateVideoConstaints.

Error code: 1611

  • Error message: Failed to unmute track
  • Possible reason: The track could not be unmuted. Either the device is current being used by other software or the device is no longer in usable state.
  • Possible solution: Make sure that no other software is using your media devices. Close down other tabs using media devices, if any.

End-End Encryption

Error code: 1701

  • Error message: Crypto error
  • Possible reason: An error occurred during encryption or decryption.
  • Possible solution: Check the encryption settings and try again.


Error code: 1800

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the AI module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 1801

  • Error message: Can't fetch transcript file
  • Possible reason: The transcript file could not be fetched.
  • Possible solution: Verify the file path and try again. Please reach out to us, if issue persists.


Error code: 1900

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Livestream module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 1901

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 1902

  • Error message: Livestream that has not yet started, can't be stopped
  • Possible reason: The livestream has not started and cannot be stopped.
  • Possible solution: Start the livestream first and then try to stop it.


Error code: 2000

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred within the Stage module.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.

Error code: 2001

  • Error message: Permission denied
  • Possible reason: The participant does not have the required permissions to perform the action.
  • Possible solution: Verify the participant's permissions in their respective preset and try again.

Error code: 2002

  • Error message: Unsupported
  • Possible reason: The requested action is not supported.
  • Possible solution: Check the documentation for supported actions.

Error code: 2003

  • Error message: Stage is disabled
  • Possible reason: The stage feature is disabled.
  • Possible solution: Enable the stage feature and try again.

Error code: 2004

  • Error message: Method not implemented
  • Possible reason: The requested method is not implemented.
  • Possible solution: Check the documentation for available methods.

Error code: 2005

  • Error message: Action not permitted without joining room
  • Possible reason: The participant attempted to perform an action without joining the meeting.
  • Possible solution: The participant attempted to execute an action that is only permitted for individuals who have already joined the meeting. to proceed, they must first join the meeting using meeting.join() before attempting the action again..

Error code: 2006

  • Error message: Action not permitted in current stage status
  • Possible reason: The action is not allowed in the current stage status.
  • Possible solution: Check the stage status and try again.


Error code: 9900

  • Error message: Internal exception
  • Possible reason: An unexpected error occurred.
  • Possible solution: Check the logs for more details and retry the operation. If you continue to experience issue, please reach out to us for the help.