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Other methods

Subscribe to events from a plugin

A plugin emits the following events:

  • enabled - Emitted when a plugin is enabled.
  • closed - Emitted when a plugin is closed.
  • dyteStateUpdate - Emitted when the state of the plugin has changed.
  • ready - Emitted when the plugin is ready to exchange data with client SDK.
  • toggleViewMode - Emitted when the control is toggled for users with view-only permissions for a plugin.
const pluginId = '...';
const plugin =;
plugin.on('enabled', () => {
console.log('The plugin has been enabled');

Send data to the plugin

You can send data (type any) to a plugin using the sendData() method. This method comes in handy when building your own plugin.

const pluginId = '...';
const plugin =;
plugin.on('ready', () => {
eventName: 'my-custom-event',
data: 'Hello world',