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Build Stage UI using DyteGrid

Source Code:

Following code shows you can customise or build the stage UI of a meeting as per your use case.


import { DyteStage, DyteGrid, DyteNotifications, DyteSidebar, DyteControlbar, DyteParticipantsAudio, DyteDialogManager, defaultConfig, generateConfig } from '@dytesdk/react-ui-kit';
import { useDyteMeeting, useDyteSelector } from '@dytesdk/react-web-core';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

function MeetingStage({ meeting, config, states, setStates }: { meeting: DyteClient, config: UIConfig, states: CustomStates, setStates: SetStates}) {

return (

<div className="flex h-full w-full flex-col">
  <DyteStage className="flex h-full w-full flex-1 p-2">
    <DyteGrid meeting={meeting} config={config} states={states} />
    <DyteNotifications meeting={meeting} config={config} states={states} />
    {states.activeSidebar && (
  <DyteParticipantsAudio meeting={meeting} />
  <DyteDialogManager meeting={meeting} config={config} states={states} />
  <DyteControlbar meeting={meeting} config={config} states={states} />
); }

export default function Meeting() {
const { meeting } = useDyteMeeting();
const [config, setConfig] = useState(defaultConfig);
const [states, setStates] = useState<CustomStates>({
  meeting: 'setup',
  sidebar: 'chat'

useEffect(() => {
async function setupMeetingConfigs(){
const theme = meeting!.self.config;
const { config } = generateConfig(theme, meeting!);

       * Full screen by default requests dyte-meeting/DyteMeeting element to be in full screen.
       * Since DyteMeeting element is not here,
       *  we need to pass dyte-fullscreen-toggle, an targetElementId through config.
      // setFullScreenToggleTargetElement({config, targetElementId: 'root'});


     * Add listeners on meeting & self to monitor leave meeting, join meeting and so on.
     * This work was earlier done by DyteMeeting component internally.
      const stateListenersUtils = new DyteStateListenersUtils(() => meeting, () => states, () => setStates);

        await meeting.join();
      } catch(e){
        // do nothing

     * During development phase, make sure to expose meeting object to window,
     * for debugging purposes.
      Object.assign(window, {

}, [meeting]);

return (

  <div className="flex w-full h-full" ref={(el) => {
            el?.addEventListener('dyteStateUpdate', (e) => {
              const { detail: newStateUpdate } = e as unknown as { detail: CustomStates };
              console.log('dyteStateUpdateSetup:: ', newStateUpdate);
              setStates((oldState: CustomStates) => { return {
      <MeetingStage meeting={meeting} config={config} states={states} setStates={setStates} />


export class DyteStateListenersUtils{
    getStates: () => CustomStates;

    getStateSetter: () => (newState: CustomStates) => void;

    getMeeting: () => DyteClient;

    get states(){
        return this.getStates();

    get setGlobalStates(){
        return this.getStateSetter();

    get meeting(){
        return this.getMeeting();

    constructor(getMeeting: () => DyteClient, getGlobalStates: () => CustomStates, getGlobalStateSetter: () => (newState: CustomStates) => void){
        this.getMeeting = getMeeting;
        this.getStates = getGlobalStates;
        this.getStateSetter = getGlobalStateSetter;
    private updateStates(newState: CustomStates){
        this.setGlobalStates((oldState: CustomStates) => { return {
    private roomJoinedListener = () => {
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'joined' });

      private socketServiceRoomJoinedListener = () => {
        if (this.meeting.stage.status === 'ON_STAGE' || this.meeting.stage.status === undefined) return;
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'joined' });

      private waitlistedListener = () => {
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'waiting' });

      private roomLeftListener = ({ state }: { state: RoomLeftState }) => {
        const states = this.states;
        if (states?.roomLeftState === 'disconnected') {
          this.updateStates({ meeting: 'ended', roomLeftState: state });
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'ended', roomLeftState: state });

      private mediaPermissionUpdateListener = ({ kind, message }: {
        kind: PermissionSettings['kind'],
        message: string,
      }) => {
        if (['audio', 'video'].includes(kind!)) {
          if (message === 'ACCEPTED' || message === 'NOT_REQUESTED' || this.states.activeDebugger)
          const permissionModalSettings: PermissionSettings = {
            enabled: true,
          this.updateStates({ activePermissionsMessage: permissionModalSettings });

      private joinStateAcceptedListener = () => {
        this.updateStates({ activeJoinStage: true });

      private handleChangingMeeting(destinationMeetingId: string) {
            activeBreakoutRoomsManager: {
                active: this.states.activeBreakoutRoomsManager!.active,

        if (this.meeting.meta.viewType === 'LIVESTREAM') {
            this.meeting.self.addListener('socketServiceRoomJoined', this.socketServiceRoomJoinedListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('roomJoined', this.roomJoinedListener);

          this.meeting.self.addListener('waitlisted', this.waitlistedListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('roomLeft', this.roomLeftListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('mediaPermissionUpdate', this.mediaPermissionUpdateListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('joinStageRequestAccepted', this.joinStateAcceptedListener);

          if (this.meeting.connectedMeetings.supportsConnectedMeetings) {
            this.meeting.connectedMeetings.once('changingMeeting', this.handleChangingMeeting);




Few of the crucial components that we added here are:

  1. DyteNotifications to show notifications related to device plug/unplug and peer join/leave.
  2. DyteParticipantsAudio to play other participant audio.
  3. DyteSidebar to show sidebars for Chat, Plugins and polls.
  4. DyteDialogManager contails all modals such as settings, breakout rooms, and leave action.

DyteGrid is the most crucial component here. It internally changes the UI based on the shared screens, pinned participants, spotlight, multi-user call.

In upcoming guides we will discuss how we can build DyteGrid from scratch as well. But before that, let's discuss how we can build a custom sidebar next.