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Handling States and Configs

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DyteMeeting component does a lot more than just providing the user interface.

It does the following things internally.

  1. Keeps a mapping of components and show them according to the preset's view_type such as group_call, webinar, and livestream.
  2. Provides background color, text colors and other such CSS properties.
  3. Maintains states of modals, sidebars between web-core & ui-kit
  4. Shifts the control bar buttons to More menu if the screen size is small.
  5. Passes config, states, translation, icon packs to all child components.
  6. It is the target element that gets full screened on click of full screen toggle.
  7. Joins the meeting automatically if showSetupScreen is false.

Since we are splitting DyteMeeting component in pieces, we need to do these ourselves now.


import { defaultConfig, generateConfig } from '@dytesdk/react-ui-kit';
import { useDyteMeeting, useDyteSelector } from '@dytesdk/react-web-core';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

export default function Meeting() {
  const { meeting } = useDyteMeeting();
  const [config, setConfig] = useState(defaultConfig);
  * We need setStates method to add custom functionalities,
  * as well as to ensure that web-core & ui-kit are in Sync.
  const [states, setStates] = useState<CustomStates>({
    meeting: 'setup',
    sidebar: 'chat'

useEffect(() => {
  async function setupMeetingConfigs(){
      const theme = meeting!.self.config;
      const { config } = generateConfig(theme, meeting!);

       * Full screen toggle, by default requests dyte-meeting/DyteMeeting element to be in full screen.
       * Since DyteMeeting element is not here,
       *  we need to pass dyte-fullscreen-toggle, an targetElementId through config.
      setFullScreenToggleTargetElement({config, targetElementId: 'root'});


     * Add listeners on meeting & self to monitor leave meeting, join meeting and so on.
     * This work was earlier done by DyteMeeting component internally.
      const stateListenersUtils = new DyteStateListenersUtils(() => meeting, () => states, () => setStates);

        await meeting.join();
      } catch(e){
        // do nothing


}, [meeting]);

return (
  * Using a ref hack, we are adding "dyteStateUpdate" listener,
  * so that we can listen to child component's internal state changes.
  <div className="flex w-full h-full bg-black text-white justify-center items-center" ref={(el) => {
            el?.addEventListener('dyteStateUpdate', (e) => {
              const { detail: newStateUpdate } = e as unknown as { detail: CustomStates };
              setStates((oldState: CustomStates) => { return {
      <CustomDyteMeetingUI meeting={meeting} config={config} states={states} setStates={setStates} />


function CustomDyteMeetingUI({ meeting, config, states, setStates }: { meeting: DyteClient, config: UIConfig, states: CustomStates, setStates: SetStates}) {
return <div>Your Custom UI will come here </div>;

* DyteStateListenersUtils is a class that listens to web-core changes and syncs them with ui-kit
class DyteStateListenersUtils{

    getStates: () => CustomStates;

    getStateSetter: () => (newState: CustomStates) => void;

    getMeeting: () => DyteClient;

    get states(){
        return this.getStates();

    get setGlobalStates(){
        return this.getStateSetter();

    get meeting(){
        return this.getMeeting();

    constructor(getMeeting: () => DyteClient, getGlobalStates: () => CustomStates, getGlobalStateSetter: () => (newState: CustomStates) => void){
        this.getMeeting = getMeeting;
        this.getStates = getGlobalStates;
        this.getStateSetter = getGlobalStateSetter;
    private updateStates(newState: CustomStates){
        this.setGlobalStates((oldState: CustomStates) => { return {
    private roomJoinedListener = () => {
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'joined' });

      private socketServiceRoomJoinedListener = () => {
        if (this.meeting.stage.status === 'ON_STAGE' || this.meeting.stage.status === undefined) return;
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'joined' });

      private waitlistedListener = () => {
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'waiting' });

      private roomLeftListener = ({ state }: { state: RoomLeftState }) => {
        const states = this.states;
        if (states?.roomLeftState === 'disconnected') {
          this.updateStates({ meeting: 'ended', roomLeftState: state });
        this.updateStates({ meeting: 'ended', roomLeftState: state });

      private mediaPermissionUpdateListener = ({ kind, message }: {
        kind: PermissionSettings['kind'],
        message: string,
      }) => {
        if (['audio', 'video'].includes(kind!)) {
          if (message === 'ACCEPTED' || message === 'NOT_REQUESTED' || this.states.activeDebugger)
          const permissionModalSettings: PermissionSettings = {
            enabled: true,
          this.updateStates({ activePermissionsMessage: permissionModalSettings });

      private joinStateAcceptedListener = () => {
        this.updateStates({ activeJoinStage: true });

      private handleChangingMeeting(destinationMeetingId: string) {
            activeBreakoutRoomsManager: {
                active: this.states.activeBreakoutRoomsManager!.active,

        if (this.meeting.meta.viewType === 'LIVESTREAM') {
            this.meeting.self.addListener('socketServiceRoomJoined', this.socketServiceRoomJoinedListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('roomJoined', this.roomJoinedListener);

          this.meeting.self.addListener('waitlisted', this.waitlistedListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('roomLeft', this.roomLeftListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('mediaPermissionUpdate', this.mediaPermissionUpdateListener);
          this.meeting.self.addListener('joinStageRequestAccepted', this.joinStateAcceptedListener);

          if (this.meeting.connectedMeetings.supportsConnectedMeetings) {
            this.meeting.connectedMeetings.once('changingMeeting', this.handleChangingMeeting);




* setFullScreenToggleTargetElement updates the ui-kit config,
* to set targetElement to full screen toggle.
function setFullScreenToggleTargetElement({config, targetElementId}: { config: UIConfig, targetElementId: string }){
    if (config.root && Array.isArray(config.root['div#controlbar-left'])) {
        const fullScreenToggleIndex = config.root['div#controlbar-left'].indexOf('dyte-fullscreen-toggle');
        if(fullScreenToggleIndex > -1){
            config.root['div#controlbar-left'][fullScreenToggleIndex] = ['dyte-fullscreen-toggle', {
                variant: 'vertical',
                targetElement: document.querySelector("#"+targetElementId),
    ['dyte-more-toggle.activeMoreMenu', '', ''].forEach((configElemKey) => {
        const configElem = config?.root?.[configElemKey] as any;
        configElem?.forEach((dyteElemConfigSet: any) => {
            if (dyteElemConfigSet[0] === 'dyte-fullscreen-toggle') {
                dyteElemConfigSet[1].targetElement = document.querySelector("#"+targetElementId);

Let's discuss the bits and pieces one by one.

const theme = meeting!.self.config;
const { config } = generateConfig(theme, meeting!);

In the above code snippets, we are generating configs using the preset configurations & meeting configs.

Post this, We are extending the config to pass the targetElement to full screen toggle and storing this config to be passed to child components.

    setFullScreenToggleTargetElement({config, targetElementId: 'root'});

We need to also ensure that web-core & ui-kit states are in sync. Since we are handling states now, we will have to add web-core & ui-kit listeners.

To add web-core listeners, DyteStateListenersUtils class, is being used.

  const stateListenersUtils = new DyteStateListenersUtils(() => meeting, () => states, () => setStates);

To add ui-kit state listeners, we are using ref based hack to ensure that every propagated dyteStateUpdate event is listened to.

ref={(el) => {
el?.addEventListener('dyteStateUpdate', (e) => {
const { detail: newStateUpdate } = e as unknown as { detail: CustomStates };
setStates((oldState: CustomStates) => { return {

To join the meeting, we are using await meeting.join();.

Now that we know the extra overhead that comes with splitting DyteMeeting component, let's start with showing custom UIs as per the meeting state.