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Upload Recording to Your Cloud

You can pass an optional object storage_config in the start recording request to publish the recording directly to your cloud provider. If a path is specified, the recorded video will be stored there, otherwise the default is the root of the directory.

The filename for recording will be the same as given in output_file_name.


Ensure that the cloud keys you provide to Dyte APIs have only limited access.

Set storage configuration​

You can configure storage configs for Dyte Recordings in the following ways:

Set Storage Configuration Details Using Developer Portal​

You can specify storage configuration details using Developer Portal for all meetings.

  1. In the Developer Portal, go to Recordings.
  2. Click Setup Storage.
  3. Specify the details for your cloud provider. We support transferring recordings to AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, and Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets.

If you have specified storage configuration in the Start Recording APIs, it will take precedence and override the storage details configured in the Developer Portal.

Using the storage_config option in the Start Recording API​

This allows for the most granular level of control, and lets you specify a storage_config for a specific recording started on a meeting.

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Basic NzBjNWQzOTEtNGJhYy00Y2YzLTk5MDctYmVjMjA1Nzk4YWRiOmQyNzBmYjJmOGNiNGUzZWY1MGI1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"meeting_id": "97440c6a-140b-40a9-9499-b23fd7a3868a",
"storage_config": {
"type": "aws",
"access_key": "your-access-key",
"secret_key": "your-secret-key",
"bucket": "your-bucket-name",
"region": "us-east-1",
"path": "/"

Supported Cloud Providers​

Currently, the following cloud providers are supported:


To transfer recordings to the AWS S3 bucket, set the following fields in the storage_config parameter:

  • Type: Specify aws.
  • Access Key: Enter your aws_access_key_id.
  • Bucket: Enter your AWS S3 bucket name.
  • (Optional) Path: Specify the path to a sub-folder where recordings should be transferred. If this parameter is not passed, recordings will be transferred to the root folder of the bucket.
  • Secret: Enter your aws_secret_access_key.
  • Region: Specify the region where your bucket is hosted, for example, ap-south-1.

Azure Blob Storage​

To transfer recordings to the Azure Blob Storage, set the following fields in the storage_config parameter:

  • Type: Specify azure.
  • Access key: Enter your azure connection string. For more information on how to get the access key, see View account access key.
  • Bucket: Enter the name of your container. The container should be in the same storage account as the connection string.
  • (Optional) Path: Specify the path to a sub-folder where recordings should be transferred. If this parameter is not passed, recordings will be transferred to the root folder of the container.
  • Secret: Set to a blank string "".
  • Region: Set to a blank string "".


To transfer recordings to the DigitalOcean Spaces, set the following fields in the storage_config parameter:

  • Type: Specify digitalocean.
  • Access key: Enter your digital ocean access key. For more information, see Create DigitalOcean Space and API Key.
  • Bucket: Enter the name of your Spaces bucket.
  • (Optional) Path: Specify the path to a sub-folder where recordings should be transferred. If this parameter is not passed, recordings will be transferred to the root folder of the container.
  • Secret: Enter your Spaces secret.
  • Region: Specify the region where your Spaces bucket is hosted, for example, SGP1. For more information, see Region Availability Matrix.

Google Cloud Storage (GCS)​

To transfer recordings to GCS, set the following fields in the storage_config parameter:

  • Type: Specify gcs.
  • Bucket: Enter the name of your Cloud Storage bucket.
  • (Optional) Path: Specify the path to a sub-folder where recordings should be transferred. If this parameter is not passed, recordings will be transferred to the root folder of the container.
  • Secret: Enter your service account credentials. For more information, see service account credentials.
  • Region: Specify the region where your Cloud Storage bucket is hosted, for example, US multi-region. For more information, see Bucket locations.

Update the Recording File Name​

You can change the name of the recording file using the file_name_prefix field. The default format for recorded file name is roomname_timestamp, but you can add an alphanumeric and underscore prefix to the default file name.

It's important to note that you can only add a prefix to the default format; you can't change the entire file name. For example, if you teach an online physics class at 9 a.m. using Dyte, you could add Physics_9am to the file name. Physics_9am_roomname_timestamp would be the new file name.

For more information, see start recording a meeting.