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Export Chat of a Session

You can programmatically retrieve all chat messages of a Dyte session in the following ways:

This guide walks you through the steps involved in exporting chat dump of a session using Chat Replay API.

If you wish to use webhooks, see Set Up Webhooks and meeting.chatSynced.

Once Chat Replay API is enabled, do the following:

  1. Get the chat_download_url using Chat Replay API.
  2. Download the chat dump CSV file.

Get chat_download_url​

To get the chat_download_url, make a HTTP GET request to Chat Replay API. The API returns the following:

"success": true,
"data": {
"chat_download_url": "string",
"chat_download_url_expiry": "string"
  • The chat_download_url is a URL that allows you to download the entire chat dump of a session in CSV format from AWS S3.
  • chat_download_url_expiry indicates the expiry timestamp of the chat_download_url. If the chat_download_url gets expired, simply call this endpoint again to obtain a new download URL.

Download the chat dump file​

You can download the chat dump file in CSV format by making HTTP GET request to chat_download_url that you obtained in the previous step.

The process of downloading any file from a HTTP URL in JavaScript differs slightly based on whether you are doing it on client side or server side.

Download on the client​

To download at client side, do the following:

  1. Make a GET request to the chat_download_url.
  2. Convert response to blob.
  3. Create an invisible <a> HTML element with download attribute and add the above blob to it's href.
  4. Programmatically click on the <a> element so that the browser automatically starts downloading and then remove the <a> element.

Download on the server​

We use Node.js streams to download files on the server, so the steps are as follows:

  1. Create a writable stream for a local file.
  2. Make a GET request to chat_download_url.
  3. Get a readable stream using res.body and pipe to the writable stream created in the first step.

Example: CSV chat dump file​

This CSV file contains all the chat messages along with the participant's name and some other metadata. It includes the following column headings:

  • id: Unique chat message ID
  • participantId: ID of the participant who sent the message
  • sessionId: The session ID from which the chat message was sent
  • meetingId: The ID of the meeting to which this session belongs
  • displayName: Display name of the participant who sent this message
  • pinned: A boolean that indicates if the current message was pinned or not
  • isEdited: A boolean that indicates if the current message was edited or not
  • payloadType: An ENUM that indicates the type of payload sent in the chat message. It can be one of TEXT_MESSAGE, IMAGE_MESSAGE, FILE_MESSAGE
  • payload: The actual payload sent in the chat message
  • createdAt: Timestamp when this chat message was sent

Sample Chat Dump File

For more information on downloading the file, refer to How to Fetch Chat History of a Dyte Session blog.